Who should do Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a great way to manage and address any issue which interferes with your ability to do the things you have to do in life, or more importantly the things you love. Often loss of movement, pain, and dysfunction get in the way of life. Physical therapy will help you identify the issues and provide a great plan for moving forward and overcoming the issue.

Anyone who has physical limitations, neck pain, hip pain, back pain, balance problems, strength issues, bursitis, shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, osteoporosis, or any other movement dysfunction is appropriate for Physical Therapy. Baudry Therapy Center offers free consultations to help you decide if our services would benefit you.

How do I pay for therapy?

Most insurance plans cover Physical Therapy services, but coverage varies with each plan. Contact our office to see what physical therapy benefits your plan offers. Remember that not all physical therapy services are equal. Don’t let insurance dictate your actions. You owe it to yourself to find the best solution to your problem. Your health is priceless. Our staff will gladly work with you to help determine your best course of action.

Is Physical Therapy necessary? Can I do it on my own?

Even the professional athletes utilize coaches, therapists, mentors, and advisors. Physical therapists are the experts in human movement. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to help yourself get better. Physical therapists are able to identify the underlying causes that lead to problems and provide a valuable pathway for recovery. Consult a physical therapist. you will be glad you did!

Will Physical Therapy hurt?

Pain causes muscle guarding and movement dysfunctions which cause more pain. The therapist’s job is to help you resolve the pain and restore your ability to do the things you want to do.There are as many different styles of therapy as there are therapists. Neck pain, back pain, bursitis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis… these issues all have different causes and different treatments. Our therapists assess the causes of the pain and develop strategies and treatments designed to eliminate pain. In order to restore normal function, patients need to exercise. Exercise can make you “sore” but should not be painful. If something causes “pain” we modify it. Our focus is on helping you decrease pain and modify your routine to prevent pain.

How long will I have to come to therapy?

Each Physical Therapy case is different. And everyone has different needs. Our treatment is focused on decreasing pain and restoring your ability to return to your regular activities. We take an individual approach based on your condition. Once a thorough evaluation is performed, taking into consideration all of the variables of your situation, a treatment plan is agreed upon. We provide you with the options and you choose which route to take. This plan is based on your wants, needs, and desires. Remember, you will get out of Physical Therapy what you put into it.

How are Wellness programs different from therapy programs?

Physical therapy programs are appropriate when there is pain, weakness, and/or other functional or movement limitations. If your condition involves any of these factors you may be a candidate for Physical Therapy. Wellness programs are more enhancement oriented in nature. wellness programs help you stay healthy, reach fitness goals, and maximize the BRIO (vitality, energy, confidence) in your life. An initial consultation with our Physical Therapist will help you find the right program for you.