Exercise can lower your risk for Severe Covid-19, Death
Now going on two years with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are all asking ourselves, ‘how do we move on with our lives and live with this virus?’
An April 2021 study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that people who exercised 150 minutes per week or more had a much lower risk of severe Covid-19 and even death. The study showed that people who did some physical activity fared better than those who did not exercise. “Exercise has been shown over and over again to be one of the best ways to stay healthy. No one ever regrets a good workout,” said Rich Baudry, Founder of Baudry Therapy Center I BRIO.
150 minutes of exercise/week = 21 minutes/day, Monday-Sunday or 30 minutes/day, Monday – Friday.
This is equal to:
- 30 minutes of walking with a lunch group at work.
- 21 minutes of movement and activity a day like gardening, walking, swimming, strength training, walking in the grocery store and parking further to walk more.
To read more about the study on Choosept.com you can click here
To read more about the study from the BJSM you can click here
To learn more about exercise activities tailored for you in a healthy and safe environment, call Baudry Therapy Center at 504-841-0150. BRIOfit training is fitness training with professionals who can help you prevent injury while you keep your body in shape for 2022. Call us today to sign up for BRIOfit.
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