Stretch Before You Stroll

Dynamic stretches for your hips and ankles


We have been blessed with gorgeous weather, and we can’t help but notice everyone taking advantage and going out for a stroll. It makes us so happy to see. Movement is medicine!  But before you stroll, make sure you properly warm up your muscles to prevent injury.

In this BRIO MINUTE, we share some dynamic stretches you can do to properly stretch your ankles and hips. And we promise, it only takes a few minutes!

7 Tips to Restructure Your New “Normal”

There is nothing normal about the circumstances we find ourselves in.  Our daily routines have been completely disrupted. But…what if that is a good thing?   In order to grow, we must adapt to our new “normal” and create a daily routine that keeps us healthy and feeling well. Here are a few tips that can help restructure your new “normal”.

7 Tips to Restructure Your Daily Routine

  1. Plan time for yourself. Clear your head by meditating, praying, or using breathing techniques to divert attention away from any stress.
  2. Exercise regularly. Increase your movement. Find something physical you like to do and stick with it.
  3. Work hard. Whether that means working from home, homeschooling kids, or finishing those to-dos that have been on your list forever, make sure to give it your all!
  4. Enjoy social/ recreation time.  FaceTime with a friend. Read a book. Pull out those paints.
  5. Start a journal of gratitude.  
  6. Sketch out your plan for tomorrow. Make your to-do list with reasonable expectations. This will give you a sense of control, and reduce useless worry.
  7. Get better sleep! Turn off all electronics and try to get 7-9 hours per night.


What does your new “normal” look like?   We’re here if you need help creating your new routine or setting your new goals.  Give us a call at (504) 841.0150.  We’re happy to help you find your BRIO!