Back and shoulder pain relieved for this golfer
Golfer’s back and shoulder pain relieved with BRIO’s Return to Sport program
Fred Herman has been playing golf for the last 25 years. While on the golf course, he developed chronic back and shoulder pain making it very difficult to play his favorite sport. Here’s how Fred got back to the golf course:
About three years ago, I had a whitewater rafting accident which exacerbated my chronic low back and right shoulder pain. I had conservative treatment by my doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers for the next two years. In October 2015, I had low back surgery and in February 2016, I had right shoulder therapy.
I was very fearful that the combination of the back and shoulder injuries and subsequent surgeries may cause me to give up golf. In my profession, a diversion like golf is a necessity to relieve stress and it was also a major part of my social life and leisure travel. I thought a lot about alternatives if the worst outcome had occurred. Learning Bridge was not a happy alternative. As a kid, I played baseball, basketball and football. I played racquet ball and baseball in adult leagues as a young professional.
At the age of 40, I took up golf. I’m 66 now and golf is a major part of my leisure time. From the get go my outward approach was positive and upbeat.
A confidence boost with Baudry physical therapy
I had been a Baudry client for a few years and have great confidence in my therapists and the Baudry staff. My confidence was boosted when I began post-surgery recovery. The Baudry folks assured me that there was no medical reason I shouldn’t be able to get back to golf.
Physical Therapy is very dependent on the desire of the client to work hard, but it is also very dependent on the skill of the therapists. Baudry Therapy Center’s team of therapists are sensitive, exceedingly professional and easy to work with. They know how to treat all kinds of injuries and conditions. I know because I know what they have done for my shoulder and back. I know because I see what they are doing for other clients, too.
Golf: Full Steam Ahead
I am back to golf full steam ahead. My surgeons who each have their own PT departments had no hesitation accepting my request to do my post-op recovery at Baudry. In the words of my shoulder surgeon, “Baudry does great work with my shoulder patients.”
Return to Sport Training
I have resumed my training at Baudry in between PT sessions. The training is an integral part of my recovery. This isn’t just any athletic or sports fitness training. At BRIO, Baudry’s in-house training program, we work with Physical Therapy Assistants who are outstanding professionals. With the benefit of on-site and immediate consultation with the PTs, I know that my athletic training is tailored to my needs, my sport and my chronic or acute conditions. Unlike other “certified” trainers with whom I have worked, these folks are not just certified. They are professionals who are college educated and have earned advanced degrees. They keep up-to-date certifications in the latest therapy and training techniques.
Through the PT and training process I began dieting and although Baudry has its own diet program, they never pushed it on me. They supported the weight loss program I was on. They also have a full line of home exercise tools and devices, as well as a new line of supplements. I have benefited from all of them. They are excellent!
One of the most rewarding parts of our job is to see patients return to doing the things they love. We are so proud of Fred’s journey back to the golf course. If you or someone you love is experiencing back and shoulder pain, call Baudry Therapy Center today. You don’t have to live with pain!