Back and shoulder pain relieved for this golfer

Golfer’s back and shoulder pain relieved with BRIO’s Return to Sport program

Fred Herman has been playing golf for the last 25 years. While on the golf course, he developed chronic back and shoulder pain making it very difficult to play his favorite sport. Here’s how Fred got back to the golf course:

About three years ago, I had a whitewater rafting accident which exacerbated my chronic low back and right shoulder pain. I had conservative treatment by my doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers for the next two years. In October 2015, I had low back surgery and in February 2016, I had right shoulder therapy.

I was very fearful that the combination of the back and shoulder injuries and subsequent surgeries may cause me to give up golf. In my profession, a diversion like golf is a necessity to relieve stress and it was also a major part of my social life and leisure travel. I thought a lot about alternatives if the worst outcome had occurred. Learning Bridge was not a happy alternative. As a kid, I played baseball, basketball and football. I played racquet ball and baseball in adult leagues as a young professional.

At the age of 40, I took up golf. I’m 66 now and golf is a major part of my leisure time. From the get go my outward approach was positive and upbeat.

A confidence boost with Baudry physical therapy

I had been a Baudry client for a few years and have great confidence in my therapists and the Baudry staff. My confidence was boosted when I began post-surgery recovery. The Baudry folks assured me that there was no medical reason I shouldn’t be able to get back to golf.

Physical Therapy is very dependent on the desire of the client to work hard, but it is also very dependent on the skill of the therapists. Baudry Therapy Center’s team of therapists are sensitive, exceedingly professional and easy to work with. They know how to treat all kinds of injuries and conditions. I know because I know what they have done for my shoulder and back. I know because I see what they are doing for other clients, too.

Golf: Full Steam Ahead

I am back to golf full steam ahead. My surgeons who each have their own PT departments had no hesitation accepting my request to do my post-op recovery at Baudry. In the words of my shoulder surgeon, “Baudry does great work with my shoulder patients.”

Return to Sport Training

I have resumed my training at Baudry in between PT sessions. The training is an integral part of my recovery. This isn’t just any athletic or sports fitness training. At BRIO, Baudry’s in-house training program, we work with Physical Therapy Assistants who are outstanding professionals. With the benefit of on-site and immediate consultation with the PTs, I know that my athletic training is tailored to my needs, my sport and my chronic or acute conditions. Unlike other “certified” trainers with whom I have worked, these folks are not just certified. They are professionals who are college educated and have earned advanced degrees. They keep up-to-date certifications in the latest therapy and training techniques.

Through the PT and training process I began dieting and although Baudry has its own diet program, they never pushed it on me. They supported the weight loss program I was on. They also have a full line of home exercise tools and devices, as well as a new line of supplements. I have benefited from all of them. They are excellent!

One of the most rewarding parts of our job is to see patients return to doing the things they love. We are so proud of Fred’s journey back to the golf course. If you or someone you love is experiencing back and shoulder pain, call Baudry Therapy Center today. You don’t have to live with pain!


Golf Fit Series: 72 Tips to Shooting Lower Scores

Golf Fit Series: 72 Tips to Shooting Lower Scores

In a continual search to reach my own goal of shooting par golf (i.e., 72) this year, I have come across many tips and recommendations to consider. These tips come from a variety of sources – from golf professionals, trainers, and coaches to hacks, posers, and gamers.   As you might imagine, everyone has an opinion.

In light of all the wisdom handed down to me, I have compiled a list of the top 72 tips.









Tips for the Body

  1. Monitor your grip pressure. ED
  2. Do 20 minutes of dynamic warm up exercises or brisk walking before you play. KC
  3. Turn the body more. Keep the hands relaxed. Pay attention to your posture. RK
  4. Get in golf shape. Exercise regularly with cardiovascular exercise for endurance and core work for more power. Focus on the hips, shoulders, and abdominals. RB
  5. Keep your lower body still for putting. DM
  6. Loose hands make for quick hands. Stay loose. BB
  7. If able, walk while you play golf. This will help you focus. FH
  8. Do balance activities like single leg standing, lunges, and hip swings.  JK
  9. Strengthen your glutes! The king of the swing. Try 30″ single leg bridges. LG
  10. Stay relaxed (grip, body, mind). JK
  11. Work out with weights at least 2x/week to improve strength and power. JR
  12. Prepare for a shot by taking a deep breath, then release and focus. BB
  13. Stretch at least 2x/week for 20 minutes each. As flexibility decreases, power goes with it. SD









Tips for the Mind

  1. Keep focused on positive thinking and visualizing. NA
  2. Maintain confidence. Believe to achieve. JT
  3. Visualize a successful shot before hitting it. MS
  4. Slow the game down. Focus on one shot at a time. JM
  5. Visualize each positive shot and success will come. JK
  6. Have fun. Don’t over think it. Trust your shots. MR
  7. Anchor yourself with an image that captures your strengths and power as an athlete. TM
  8. Remember the three Rs: Recognize when you are distracted; Regroup – Shift your thoughts back to your intention; Refocus on the task at hand. TM
  9. Think before the round. Play during the round. PN
  10. Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive! AO
  11. Control your breathing. It will help you control your mind and your focus. JM
  12. Tell yourself what you want to happen. TM
  13. Manage the temper! Stay on the present task at hand.
  14. Have a game plan in place. Plan to play great. Execute the plan. PN
  15. Keep having fun and you will continue playing, which will bring improvement. JK
  16. Have emotional composure. Know how to stay calm in your mind and body. TM
  17. Focus on the shot at hand. Don’t worry what might happen later. AO
  18. Make a SMART goal, (10 Hcp by 12/31/2015, or break 80 by 12/31/2015). Plan a strategy, take action, and make it happen! TM
  19. Be patient. Stuff happens! AA











Tips for Practicing and Playing the Game

  1. Improve your putting. KG
  2. Take the club that will reach the back of the green. Then, if you miss hit, you might just be in the hole. JM
  3. Practice! Practice! Practice! JG
  4. Focused practice. Always have a target for every practice shot. BD
  5. Never up, never in. Get the ball to the hole. RB
  6. Only attempt shots that you are at least 80% confident you can hit. RB
  7. On fairway bunker shots, take your normal stance, then stand one to two inches taller before you hit it. JG
  8. Slow yourself down. TM
  9. To improve chipping, practice chipping with your lead arm only. DS
  10. Tempo, tempo, tempo! SA
  11. Get a pre-shot routine and stick to it. For example, stand behind the ball on every shot and pick out a blade of grass one to two feet in front of the ball to help you aim. JG
  12. On green side bunker shots, imagine the ball is sitting on a dollar bill and slide your club under the bill without hitting it. JG
  13. Keep it fun. Let your creativity come out on the golf course. AD
  14. On the golf course, play golf.  Don’t work on your swing. GT
  15. Aim for the middle of the green. GT
  16. Play more competitive matches. JK
  17. Spend more time chipping and putting. SA
  18. Feel more confident with your 3-7 foot putts by practicing with the accelerator. RS
  19. Find a go-to club for your chipping and putting. And don’t let anyone steal it! FH
  20. Monitor your tempo and rhythm. GT
  21. Hit it straight. Shorten the back swing to 75%, if needed, to keep it in the fairway. DD
  22. If you are above a 10 Hcp, use a driver with at least 10.5 deg of loft. PM
  23. Spend 70% of your practice time chipping and putting. BD
  24. Don’t spend all of your practice time on the range. Get out and play holes as often as you can. DM
  25. Develop a consistent pre-shot routine. DM











Tips for When Things Don’t Go as Planned

  1. Practice healthy amnesia. Forget it and move on. JK
  2. When you hit a bad shot, take your medicine and get back in play. CK
  3. Avoid the big number, by avoiding high risk shots. DM
  4. Remind yourself of a time when you were successful, or happy. Use this to regain confidence, to stay loose, and play great! KD
  5. Control what you can, your composure. Accept what happens and focus on the next shot. JM
  6. Have a strategy going into the match/game. Don’t panic if it doesn’t go your way every single time. AO


Woman reading a book







Tips for Everything Else

  1. Read “Zen Golf.” FH
  2. Read “Own your Game” by Dave Stockton. LN
  3. Read  Dave Pelz’s “Short Game Bible: Master the Finesse Swing and Lower Your Score.” GN
  4. Read “Zen Putting.” FH
  5. Read “The Fluid Motion Factor.” DM
  6. Read Dave Stockton’s “Unconscious Putting.” LN
  7. If it has been a while, take a series of lessons with a PGA golf professional. RB
  8. Slow down to sail fast. AM (Tip from a friend of mine who sails but applies to golf as well)
  9. Dress the part. Dress well to play well. DM


Find a few that work for you and shoot lower scores this year. Be sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog on looking good to play well.