Building a Healthier Work Environment, Part 4: It’s Our Business
Baudry Therapy Center/BRIO Wellness
Creating healthy work environments and promoting overall wellness is what we do! In fact, it’s the cornerstone of our business.
It’s often the little things you do at work or home that make the biggest difference in how you feel, act and perform. We give our employees and our patients the tools and education to make healthy decisions every day.
Our personal wellness program works. At Baudry, we:
- Focus on the WHY with laser sharp vision. We embrace and live our mission every single day.
- Encourage a team workout every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 5:30 am.
- Facilitate weekly team discussions and encourage open communication to discuss what is working and not working.
- Team up to enter road races. We encourage each other to set and reach for specific race goals. This is part of our “practice what we preach” initiative.
- Engage experts to speak to us quarterly on different aspects of our job and our performance.
- Encourage our team to post their personal and professional goals on our goal board.
- Help our employees celebrate their successes when goals are reached.
Our business (physical therapy/ wellness) is all about healthy living and healthy habits. The Baudry Therapy Center team helps patients daily to deal with injury, pain, or dysfunction. We help them understand their condition, the factors involved, and what they can do to eliminate their symptoms.
Proper tools and education to succeed
Our wellness sessions incorporate education and daily strategies to help our clients work and feel better. From stand up breaks, to 10 minute stretch sessions, to adequate hydration and nutrition, we give our clients the proper tools to succeed.
Most times incorporating more movement is the key. Our bodies are made to move. They crave movement and respond much better when given it.
Open Communication is Key to Growth
Open communication is the best strategy a company can implement to promote a healthy work environment. It helps rid the daily stress which can infect companies. It can also help bring the company back to the WHY they do what they do – their core mission and vision.
At Baudry, we faciliate a weekly meeting to discover what’s working and what’s not. We re-visit our mission and vision and explore how we deliver our service to our clients.
This weekly ritual helps manage the little aggravating things that get under people’s skin and creates stress. Tackling the little things makes a huge differences for employees. It also pays dividends when it comes to productivity.
These meetings allow for open communication of ideas, which spark change and growth. Focusing on how we can work together to accomplish the company goals, the mission, and vision, helps the team grow both personally and professionally.
Need a jumpstart at your company
Baudry Therapy Center can help your company develop a healthier work environement. Give us a call at 504.841.0410 to get a little jump start on your team’s health and watch productivity increase!
Catch up on the last 3 blogs in this series:
Building a Healthier Work Environment, Part 1: Employers
Building a Healthier Work Environment, Part 2: Employees
Building a Healthier Work Environment, Part 3: 15 Steps to Work Healthier