A Match Made in Heaven: Marbury and Jen

When Marbury Little was diagnosed in 1991 with Lymphedema, she began treatment at a local hospital.  In 1996, she met Jen Miller, Baudry’s in-house occupational therapist, who had started her career working at the hospital Marbury was being treated. Little did they know, but a long-lasting friendship and therapy partnership has just begun.

Marbury’s insurance allowed her 26 occupational therapy visits, so Marbury and Jen worked together for the duration. But when the allotted visits had lapsed, she stopped treatment altogether.

“While I loved working with Jen, I knew that lymphedema was not curable, so I decided to go along my merry way,” said Marbury.

“After years of no therapy, my arm had ballooned up making it very difficult to put on clothes. And I love clothes!  I had a closet full of beautiful clothes that I wanted to wear but couldn’t fit my arm into.  All the money I had spent on fashion and they were useless.  I was wearing long-sleeved shirts year-round and it was so hot, especially in the summers.”

Time for Therapy (Again)

Marbury decided that it was time to start investing in her health again, but she didn’t want to start therapy with just anyone.  She wanted Jen.  She searched for Jen online and after multiple phone calls found out that she was working at Baudry Therapy Center.

“I began going to Jen two times per week for an entire year to receive manual lymphatic drainage and to do my exercises.  Jen was relentless in her passion and her commitment to me, which made me want to work harder.  Whatever Jen said to do, I did.”

Lymphedema is not curable, but there are so many things you can do to help manage it.  Jen educated Marbury on the disease and the treatment process and emphasized that persistent hard work would be necessary to make gains.

“Many people told me that there was nothing to be done for lymphedema, but Jen said she would prove that theory wrong.  And she sure did.  After several treatments, I started to notice remarkable changes in the size of my arm.  I was able to put on my clothes again.”

After a year of going to therapy twice per week, Jen said that I had progressed so much that I could drop to once per week for therapy.

Match Made in Heaven

“My results have been remarkable.  Every month the swelling goes further down.  Unless my arms are side by side the average person wouldn’t be able to tell I have lymphedema.”

“Marbury is a force to be reckoned with,” said Jen Miller, OT.  “When she sets her mind to something, she succeeds 100% of the time.  I am so proud of the hard work and dedication she has demonstrated during her treatment. It wasn’t always easy for her, but she never gave up.”

“Any time I start to feel down that there isn’t much progress, Jen pulls out the tape measure and we measure my arm.  And sure enough, my measurements show positive progression.  It’s truly been phenomenal progress.  Jen has been my constant cheerleader throughout this journey.”

Occupational therapy has also helped Marbury increase mobility in her arm and shoulder. She can now raise her arms to put on her clothes.

“I can’t thank Jen enough for all that she has done for me.  She has given me a newfound sense of confidence that has been lacking in the past.  I’m even wearing ¾ sleeves now.”

Marbury was also trained in self-short stretch compression bandaging, Jen helped her find and order a nighttime compression garment and a daytime compression sleeve.

“I know that Jen cares as much or more than I do about my arm,” said Marbury.


About Lymphedema

Lymphedema is an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in an arm or leg. The most common form of lymphedema in the United States is a result of treatment from Breast Cancer. Treatments such as surgery, removal of lymph nodes, and/or radiation, can contribute to lymphedema problems.

The good news is that Lymphedema CAN be treated and managed. Baudry Therapy offers an aggressive treatment program for Lymphedema. Learn more>>>

Lymphedema Information Seminar


Lymphedema Information Seminar 

Date: This Wednesday, April 30th, here at Baudry Therapy Center from 6:30-7:30

Lymphedema treatment
Lymphedema is an accumulation of protein rich fluid in one part of the body.  The most common (but not the only)
cause of lymphedema in the United States is a result of lymph node removal and/or radiation treatment following
breast cancer, resulting in a swollen arm.

If you or someone you know has had a problem with swelling in the extremities, or lymphedema, please invite them. We would love to have them come learn more about  Lymphedema, and how to manage chronic swelling issues.

For more information please join  Jennifer Miller, OT,
lymphedema specialist on Wednesday, April 30th.