BRIO Announces Fall 2015 Lacrosse SportFIT
Fall 2015 Lacrosse SportFIT
Ask and you shall receive!!
After popular demand, BRIO is excited to announce our Fall 2015 Lacrosse SportFIT program. Through the 8 week program, athletes will improve speed, agility, strength, recovery, flexibility, power and confidence.
Designed by physical therapists, BRIO coaches and lacrosse coaches, our program focuses on preventing injury, enhancing performance and building confidence through sports training and education. The drills and exercises in this program are designed for the sport-specific requirements of lacrosse. Training sessions will be catered to the needs of the group.
8-week program – August 17 – October 5
Mondays: 6-7 pm – High School athletes (13-18 yr.)
8 (60-minute training sessions)
To register, simply fill out the REGISTRATION FORM and email or fax it to the information below:
Email –
Call – (504) 841-0150
Fax – (504) 841-0180
Slots are filling up fast so register early – Max 10 players per group!
What is SportFIT
SportFIT training by BRIO is ideal for those athletes seeking an understanding of precisely how to improve their speed, strength, agility, and overall performance—no matter the sport. Helping athletes to comprehend their own physical, mental, and mechanical limitations, BRIO develops an individualized performance curriculum that is measurable, efficient, and effective. Team BRIO’s experienced team of physical therapists and performance specialists work with athletes to provide training programs that inspire them to reach their goals and realize their full athletic potential. For more information on the BRIO SportFit programs, CLICK HERE.