Physical Therapy Month-Exercise Challenge of the Week

October is Physical Therapy Month. A great way to celebrate is to commit to getting better shape. Let us show you how. Each week in October we will challenge you with great exercises that will help you move better. So check in each Tuesday in October for the next exercise challenge.

This week’s exercise challenge is the push up. The push up is a great exercise not only for upper body strength, but also promotes trunk strength and stability. Trunk stability is a must for good function.  A push up can be modified to fit any fitness level. Check out this video to see how you might incorporate the push up into your exercise program.

For this exercise, try to complete 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, three times this week.

Thank you for recognizing Physical Therapy Month and participating in our exercise challenge. We’d love to here what you think of the exercises and invite you to comment on your favorite exercises.

For more information on Physical Therapy please contact us.

Disclaimer: The information provided on Baudry Therapy Center’s website and blog is presented for information and educational purposes only. This general information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or to replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare professional. Before beginning light or moderate intensity physical activities, we encourage you to talk with your healthcare provider about health and exercise as part of your everyday routine. Baudry Therapy Center and its respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors and employees will not be held liable for any injury incurred or exacerbated while performing any exercises, stretches, or any other activity related to the content and information available on this website.