Fit Across New Orleans. Go play Tennis

Fit across New Orleans- New Orleans Youth Tennis at City Park

This week we are featuring New Orleans Youth Tennis and the free tennis clinic they offer at the new City Park/Pepsi Tennis Center.  Every Saturday morning from 8:00-11:00am, tennis professional Gerald Davis leads  a tennis clinic for kids 6-16 years old.  The clinic is open to the public and free for all who show up.  So as the Spring time approaches and the weather warms up, take advantage of this great opportunity to get your son or daughter out on the court and playing tennis.

For more information on tennis and training, or to tell us where you like to play tennis, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or contact our office.

Disclaimer: The information provided on Baudry Therapy Center ’s website and blog is presented for information and educational purposes only. This general information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition nor to replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare professional. Before beginning light or moderate intensity physical activities, we encourage you to talk with your healthcare provider about health and exercise as part of your everyday routine. Baudry Therapy Center and it’s respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors and employee’s will not be held liable for any injury incurred or exacerbated while performing any exercises, stretches, or any other activity related to the content and information available on this website.