Olympians Recover with Astym Therapy

Olympic Athletes Recover with Astym Therapy

Elite athletes competing on the Olympic level are pushing the limits and taxing their bodies each and every day. Recovery is a significant part of an athletes’ success. We’re seeing many Olympians capitalizing on the benefits of Astym Therapy in Rio to help them perform at their highest level.

What is Astym?

Astym Therapy is a highly effective and safe method of treating tendinopathies and other soft tissue dysfunction, as well as improving muscle performance.

Baudry Therapy Center | BRIO utilizes the ASTYM system to effect rejuvenation and cell regeneration in ways never before thought possible. During these treatments, which are ideally designed to rid the body of scar tissue problems that result from old injuries, therapy patients are encouraged to continue normal activities, without having to take time off to heal.

Read a Baudry Astym success story: Astym Physical Therapy to Stay Active

The ASTYM system works to:

  • Decrease scar tissue and muscle restrictions that can lead to injury.
  • Stimulate your body’s healing mechanisms to repair injured tissue.
  • Regenerate soft tissue to restore normal tissue function.

CLICK HERE for more information on Astym therapy and to see which conditions it can be used to treat.

Recovery Treatments That Work Best for Athletes

How Athletes Heal: Which Recovery Treatments Work Best

Olympic athletes compete at such a high level, taxing their bodies during countless hours of training. Recovery plays an integral part of an athlete’s success, and requires a well-designed treatment plan.  In addition to nutrition plans, athletes utilize a variety of physical treatments and therapeutic procedures.  We’ve seen plenty of evidence at the 2016 Rio Olympics, including cupping and the use of Kinesio tape.

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps displayed his bruises from the popular cupping therapy, a technique using suction cups that has been practiced throughout Asia for thousands of years.  We also saw Olympic Beach Volleyball star Kerri Walsh Jennings wearing Kinesio tape. This tape is meant to help stabilize loose joints and relieve strain on damaged soft tissue.

Which Method Works Best?

Cupping, Kinesio tape, dry needling, manipulation, massage, soft tissue mobilization , augmented soft tissue mobilization, ice bath, heat, compression, elevation, active release therapy, acupuncture…the list could go on and on.

And the answer is…

While all of these treatments can work, there are some approaches that are more beneficial than others.  Of course, this depends on the situation, the desired outcome, and the condition treated.  The goal of all recovery techniques is to trigger a physiological reaction. We want to increase healing potential by increasing circulation, facilitating muscle inhibition/relaxation or neuromuscular facilitation. These treatments all have a healing effect.

Olympic athletes who have tried several recovery methods rely on their rehab team’s advice for which is the best treatment for their body. At this level of competition, all athletes need something to rely on.

Our treatments of choice for acute recovery and healing include Dry Needling, ASTYM, manual therapy, neuromuscular education, Kinesio tape, compression, and active release techniques. For more information on Baudry Therapy physical therapy treatments, CLICK HERE.

The key to a speedy recovery is to get a physical evaluation from a licensed physical therapist and choose a treatment based on sound science and a strategic healing plan. Geaux TEAM USA!!!   You can get a FREE evaluation this Friday at B-RIO’s Adult Fitness Day.


BRIO games-03Friday, Aug. 12, 2016 | 2 – 4 PM
Test your fitness skills and learn how to get in shape, become more active and feel better! Whether you run, play golf or just need a little jumpstart. BRIO’s team of therapists, performance and nutrition experts will help you learn how to spark more BRIO in your life.  Call 504.841.0150 and reserve your spot today!