Construction injury leaves former rugby player in serious pain

Digging holes for a fence injures former rugby player

Brian Maurice, a former LSU rugby player, enjoys playing sports and performing construction work. Since his time on the rugby field, he has been living with minor shoulder pain. However, while lifting heavy bags of cement and digging holes for a fence, his shoulder was reinjured leaving him in unbearable pain.

“The worst part of an injury is being limited, and perhaps never returning to my previous form,” said Brian.

Brian came to Baudry Therapy Center and received manual therapy and functional exercises.

Josh Bryant, DPT said, “I knew Brain would recover quickly from this injury once he knew what direction to go in. He was exercising on a regular basis but needed to clean up his routine. I just made some modifications to what he was already doing and helped him problem solve. He was eager to learn and tried to keep a positive attitude regardless of how his shoulder was feeling.”

“The first thing Josh did was educate me as to why I injured myself. I learned what was going on inside my body. Then, he explained how he was going to fix it, and more importantly, how to prevent it from happening again in the future. I trusted them based on other testimonials, but I did not expect to see so much progress in a short period of time.”

“Josh Bryant went above and beyond for me during the course of my treatment. He took time to educate me on my injury and coached me into consciously thinking about the way I move my body as I get older. My pain is gone and I no longer have any limitations, which for me is such a relief.”

Living with pain is not really living

If you are someone you love is experiencing pain, consult a physical therapist today. You only get one life, so make sure you’re living yours to the fullest!  Invest in your #1 asset – your health.  Call Baudry Therapy today if we help you get back to LIFE!

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Trigger Point Dry Needling: An Option for Injury Treatment and Prevention
By Taryn Cohn PT, MSPT, COMT, OCS

dry-needling-shoulderTrigger Point Dry Needling – Tired of taking pain medication and sitting on the sidelines of life with injuries that never seem to heal? Whether you are an elite athlete, weekend warrior or chronic pain sufferer the subject of the blog series for the next four weeks may be your answer. We are going to be discussing a treatment technique called trigger point dry needling (TDN). For many, any treatment with the word needling as part of the title is immediate grounds for dismissal. However, throughout the course of this series I hope to dispel some of the mystery and fear in order to reach those who may be searching for a new option in pain treatment and injury prevention.

TDN is a technique designed to treat the neuromuscular systems based on pain patterns, muscular dysfunction and other orthopedic signs and symptoms. Simply put, when one part of the body is not doing its job other parts of the body begin to take over performing tasks they weren’t necessarily designed to do. When this happens it can result in muscle, nerve or bone damage causing pain and impaired function. The body’s natural defense mechanism against pain is to protect itself with exaggerated muscle contraction, often referred to as guarding / spasm. However, over a period of time this muscle guarding may result in the development of a trigger point, which is a hyperirritable area of taut skeletal muscle. Once a trigger point develops it can be very difficult to get that tissue to release. There are several effective techniques for treating trigger points; TDN is an excellent one that can provide immediately noticeable results.

The way TDN works is a certified practitioner will insert a fine filament needle into the taut band of tissue in order to provoke what is called a deep twitch response in the muscle. When this happens it is like hitting the reset button. The muscle will immediately release and lengthen. The amazing part about this technique is not just the immediacy of the muscular release and the noticeable improvement in mobility, but also the referral pattern of symptoms the recipient will feel. For example, a trigger point in the hip may send a sensation of relief all the way down the outside of the leg. As pain sufferers we often believe we know the generator responsible for our pain, but sometimes its origin may surprise you.

In the course of the next several blogs I hope to show you how TDN has worked to help sufferers with conditions like chronic neck, back, hip and shoulder pain, head aches, plantar fasciitis, persistent running / sports injuries and general overuse syndromes to overcome their pain and return to a full active lifestyle.