3 Ways to Cut Back Pain at Work

If you are sitting while reading this get up and stretch!

Chronic neck or back pain is often caused by being too sedentary. For those with office jobs, here are 3 quick ways to decrease your neck or back pain.

  1. Sit less. If you work in an office consider investing in a stand-up or treadmill desk.
  2. Have an ergonomic assessment of your worksite. Small cheap changes can make a big difference in how you feel.
  3. Schedule time to get up out of your chair and stretch. 5 Minutes of stretching during the day can go a long way to cut the pain.

Don’t let back or neck pain get you down. There is usually a simple, affordable solution.

For more information on how to relieve neck or back pain, like us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter, or contact our office.