30-Day Posture Challenge: Will You Accept?

Rich Baudry and Mr. Bones explain how poor posture can affect your health. Take our 30-day Posture Challenge and eliminate tension and pain in your neck.
With the amount of computer work and cell phone usage throughout the day, coupled with the stress we carry around in our daily lives, it’s no wonder why we have poor posture and neck pain. Improving your posture can help alleviate that tension in your neck and start your journey to better health.

Rich and Mr. Bones have thrown down the gauntlet and invite you to join in the 30-Day Posture Challenge to improve posture and feel stronger.  It’s only 10 minutes per day.  Are you up for the challenge?  Since you’ve been given a gift of free time, we encourage you to use it wisely to take care of your #1 asset – your health!


Baudry Therapy Center demonstrates the proper exercises to improve posture and eliminate neck pain.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding this challenge or other concerns you would like to discuss with our team.  We’re here (standing tall) ready to assist you at any time!  Call us at 504.841.0150.