Corporate Wellness Programs Don’t Work: Here’s Why.

Corporate Wellness Programs Don’t Work. Here’s why.

Only 15% of Americans are self-motivated to go to the gym / exercise daily. That means up to 85% of adults don’t get the recommended amounts of exercise each week, often setting themselves up for unnecessary health problems.

For years, companies have tried to inspire their employees to live a healthier lifestyle by developing corporate wellness programs, many with little success. Research has shown that those most likely to take advantage of their employer’s wellness offerings are healthy people who don’t spend a lot on health care, and employees with the highest health-care costs are the least likely to participate. Some companies will even try to incentivize employees but still only 10% utilize this benefit. Bottom line… corporate wellness programs just don’t work.

Rich Baudry, CEO of Baudry Therapy Center | BRIO said, “Before we launched BRIOworks, we spoke to many CEOs and business owners about their perspective on corporate wellness programs.  We found that companies need programs that promote exercise and provide trusted medical resources to employees when they need it, in order to help them stay healthy and productive.”

That’s why we don’t offer a traditional corporate wellness program. Our health performance program provides timely advice, coordinates necessary care, and builds healthy habits through evaluation, education and engagement. And it all happens on the jobsite. We call it BRIOworks – and it does just that.  It works.”

BRIOworks is led by licensed physical therapists who provide corporations with a trusted medical resource. (A movement specialist to “catch employees when they fall.”)  Located onsite, our team is available to see employees at the first instance of pain. With timely assessment, physical therapists provide tips and guidance to address concerns early on, before they become bigger, more costly issues.  They don’t have to wait until the issue grows into a bigger problem.

“By providing simple tips and direction to dealing with common sources of soreness/pain, we give employees confidence and the education to get themselves better, quickly,” said Rich.  “Our clients have found big value in BRIOworks by helping employees to resolve their health issues, while remaining focused on their job.

The true value of corporate wellness programming is in the timely assessment, and care for the inevitable health concerns, that cost both employees and their company’s pain, productivity, and money.

Learn More About BRIOworks

Take control of your healthcare, reduce escalating costs and lead your company to optimal health. We partner with companies to improve musculoskeletal and physical health by building a culture of health performance. From hire to retire, our programs alleviate many of the hidden healthcare costs companies typically bear.

BRIO physical therapists are specialists with a wealth of knowledge in physical health. With simple education and self- directed activities, we help partners prepare, perform,
and recover from daily activity, much like a professional sports team. MORE