Soccer player returns to the field after knee injury
Knee injury doesn’t stop soccer player from playing
Rory Maxwell has been playing soccer for over 20 years, most recently in the New Orleans Coed Soccer league at City Park. While playing on artificial turf, he made a cut and immediately felt his knee give out.
“I wasn’t in that much pain and was able to limp off the field, but my knee just didn’t work right,” said Rory. “Over the years playing sports, I’ve seen many ACL tears but those were associated with instant pain. My pain level was low so I was optimistic about my injury. I didn’t want to go under the knife, so I researched other options.”
“While standing in a friend’s wedding with BTC’s Joshua Bryant, DPT, Josh told me about Baudry Therapy Center and assured me that he would get me back to playing sports without surgery. So I decided to give it a shot.”
“Josh taught me the proper running technique and how to change directions. Within 6 weeks, I was able to start jogging and eventually play soccer and kickball again,” said Rory.
Physical therapy at BTC pinpointed the areas that Rory needed extra emphasis through the whole chain of movement.
“Josh had me work on plyometrics and took me through return to sport tests, which gave me confidence that my knee was strong enough to take the movements involved with playing sports. I also lost some weight working during my time at BTC, as well as built up leg strength to a higher level than before my injury.
Josh Bryant said, “When I first talked to Rory after his knee injury he was concerned that he needed surgery and would not be able to play soccer again. He was unsure about what direction he should go in and had little knowledge about PT. Following the evaluation, we came up with a plan, defined some goals, and put a timeline on his return to soccer. After this Rory’s attitude changed and he was ready to get to work. After 6 weeks of PT Rory was running again pain free and had full confidence in his knee. Rory recently ran the crescent city classic for the first time and said his legs feel better than ever.”
“The physical therapists at BTC are very friendly and knew exactly what was needed to heal and strengthen my body,” said Rory. They safely pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped progress my recovery. I enjoyed working, sweating and learning new exercises that I still use today.”
Living with pain is not really living
If you are someone you love is experiencing pain, consult a physical therapist today. You only get one life, so make sure you’re living yours to the fullest! Invest in your #1 asset – your health. Call Baudry Therapy today if we help you get back to LIFE!