Building a Healthier Work Environment, Part 3: 15 Steps to Work Healthier
15 simple steps you can take every day to work healthier
You can change the way you feel at work with a few simple steps. Try them out and let us know how you feel afterwards. We bet you’re going to feel GREAT!
- Keep a regular bed time, allowing for enough sleep every night.
- Eat breakfast. Get your day going with some protein and nutrients for the day.
- Greet people in the morning. Smile more, be friendly, and ask about how others are doing.
- Find a healthy work partner within your company. Challenge each other to find ways to move more.
- Set some SMART fitness goals for yourself and share them with others.
- Sign up for a run/walk or other event that will require you to train.
- Stand when you can, for instance while on the phone, or in meetings with others.
- Take a walk while meeting with others.
- Take the stairs.
- Walk to lunch.
- Stretch your back and neck at least 2-3 times during the day, especially if you sit at a desk. If you don’t know how, seek some professional advise like from a physical therapist.
- Exercise at lunch time. Take 15 minutes to just move around some.
- Take a nap at lunch time. 15 minute power naps can do wonders for your afternoon.
- Prepare your healthy lunch. Bring your lunch from home so there are no difficult decisions to make at lunch time.
- If you go out for lunch, eat less, and watch the carbs.
There are endless ways to creating a healthier work environment. Start by assessing your attitude about work and take it from there. Find small things you can change and positive things will come.
Need a jumpstart at your company
Baudry Therapy Center can help your company develop a healthier work environement. Give us a call at 504.841.0150 to get a little jump start on your team’s health and watch productivity increase!
Catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 of this 4-part series. Next up, how Baudry Therapy Center focuses on health and how we can help you stay healthy!